Sunday 17 July 2011

You and the use of the internet

Do you know what is internet?
What pop's in your mind when you hear the word internet?
          Somebody enjoying by using internet but when we try to ask them "What is internet ?Their response is "Internet can satisfied you,can make you work fast and others will say as a leisure.But what is internet all about?           Here is my own understanding about this,
                Internet is a connection/transmission of data between two users, you can communicate to your family,friends that far away from you by using this. Internet is wide, you can explore or doing an research.
         Not only for student nor for government but for business,you can have a money through internet,we have a lot of ways how to get money through online communication. Hotels,restaurants and even companies they will inviting costumers through internet,they can patronize their products by internet.
          I suggest if you know the uses of this, you should know the effect of this.

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